What is Hidinge gård
The farm is kept as a limited company, Hidinge Gård AB, with all shares owned by the family. Hidinge Gård AB leases 135 hectares of arable land and buildings. Among other there are four pig houses with enough space for 4700 fattening pigs. There is a potato storage facility with a capacity of 400 tons, a grain drying installation with a storage capacity of approximately 1 600 tons and another grain storage for wet grain 1 080 tons. A machine barn (600 sq. m) also including a repairshop. Another barn is also partly used as a machine barn but mainly as a storage house for straw (600 sq. m). On the farm, there is also a boiler which is used as a heating facility, with an effect of 300kW, providing the three houses, the repair shop, the potato storage house, the pig houses and the grain drying installation with heating, about 500 MWh per year. It replaces the energy of about 50-60 cubic metre of oil per year. The farm has 4,5 employees. The business turnover is about 20 millions SEK/year. (€ 2 300 000 , £ 1 800 000 or CHF 2 800 000)
4 tractors (80-155 hp; NH, Valmet, JD, Zetor), 1 loader BM LM 641, 1 combine Claas (15 foot),
1 fork-lift Linde, fertiliser spreader Tive 12m, slurry tanker 13cu.m. STAR 12m, slurry spreader Agromiljø 12m with tube system 3500m, sprayer Moteska 24m, harrow 9m Wibergs, a cultivator 6,4m JD, disc harrow Kvaerneland, crosskill roller Väderstad 10,2m, potato harvester Ekengårds 2 row, plow Kvaerneland 6 share and some wagons etc.., potato planter Ekengård 4 -row, seeder Rapid Väderstad 4m, disc harrow Amazone Catros 5,5 m.
Hidinge Gård AB, crops and pig farm
Hidinge Gård AB
716 92 Fjugesta
Phone: +46 19 29 1092
Håkan: +46 70 585 6858
Gunnel: +46 70 222 5029